The defence industry briefing

The news, views and numbers you need to know about this month

News in numbers


Value of contracts signed by Russian state defence exporter Rosoboronexport in 2019 so far


Number of defence companies bidding to support the development of Belgium’s MQ-9B SkyGuardian remotely piloted aircraft


The cost of damages to a Japanese Marine Corps F-35A fighter jet caused by a bird strike


The number of additional Precision Laser Guidance sets for the Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition Boeing could provide under a new Pentagon contract


Cost of flying the Lockheed Martin F-35A fighter jet for one hour


Pentagon defence budget re-allocated to the Mexican border wall project


Value of the sale of 24 AH-64E Apache helicopters to Qatar approved by the US

this month on twitter

 China is watching you

Well, this looks like fun

We need more women

"We will bring every tool to bear against them in every corner of cyberspace.”

Howard Marshall of the FBI’s cyber division on a joint US and UK response to alleged Russian cyber attacks.

Let's name the T-X

Around the world

Former UK chief of the defence staff Lord Houghton of Richmond has told a parliamentary committee that the purchase of two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy, worth £6bn in total, was a "bad idea".

Source: Telegraph

A US congressional committee has released an early version of a spending bill that would prevent the sale of F-35 jets to Turkey, in an attempt to stop Turkey buying the Russian-made S-400 air defence system.

Source: Jerusalem Post

The US has warned the European Union that plans to boost defence cooperation within the bloc would risk undermining the 70-year NATO transatlantic partnership.

Source: France24

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg has described the increasing US military presence in the Gulf region, as a response to growing tensions with Iran, as “concerning”.

Source: Sky News

The Swedish Defence Forum has submitted a report to Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist that seeks to overhaul the Sweden’s defence capabilities, including the addition of four new regiments, and a special brigade that could support Finland in a crisis or war.

Source: Sputnik News

BAE Systems is cooperating with the UK Government to sell arms to Saudi Arabia, after the German Government placed a ban on arms trading with the Middle Eastern nation.

Source: Independent

Japan’s defence minister Takeshi Iwaya has announced that pieces of the Japanese F-35 stealth fighter, which crashed into the Pacific Ocean in April, have been found, but the flight recorder’s memory part was missing.

Source: CNN

After an internal review, the Indian Army could deploy a number of air defence units, including its Akash air defence system and the Russian-made Kvadrat, near the Pakistan border to intercept incoming aerial threats.

Source: Economic Times

The US-based Center for Strategic and International Studies has released the first satellite images of China’s first homemade full-sized aircraft carrier, a project that is still yet to be confirmed by Beijing.

Source: Reuters