Frankfurt Laser Company

IR Laser Diodes CW and Pulse
830nm-1550nm operating in wide temperature range (-60° +80°C)
Application: rangefinders, target designators, IR laser illuminators for night vision equipment in space, avionics, infantry fire arms, battle tanks, navy

Mid-IR (1.5µm to 16µm) LEDs, Laser Diodes and PD
Application: sensors for security systems, smart weapons illuminators

Superluminescent Diodes
830-850nm operating in wide temperature range (-45° +85°C)
Application: fiber gyroscopes for 3D-positiong (avionics, missiles, battle tanks, navy)

Laser Diode Modules Red, Green, IR
operating in wide temperature range (-20° +85°C)
Application: target designators for fire arms

IR Laser Illuminator
Application: accessory to night vision equipment

Helping To Target Mission Success

Defence Laser Modules
Target designation
Visible & IR Laser Illumination
Night Vision Enhancement

Small dimensions
Wide temperature band -40° +60°C
Shock and vibration resistant
High pointing stability

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