The defence industry briefing

The news, views and numbers you need to know about this month

News in numbers


Budget requested for the US for the Department of Defence for 2021


Portion of the requested 2021 US defence budget allocated to nuclear modernisation


Funding allocated to the US Space Force under the requested 2021 defence budget


Funding earmarked for AI development in the US DoD budget request for 2021


Amount the US has spent on the Iraq war so far, according to the Watson Institute


India’s defence budget for 2020-2021, with $18.5bn allocated to weapons purchases


Value of the deal signed by Poland to acquire 32 F-35 fighter jets from the US

REader survey

This month we asked readers on our sister website Airforce Technology:

"Is the F-35 still a worthwhile investment?"

The result shows the majority of our readers think so, with 68% saying the F-35 is a worthwhile investment for defence departments. However, 32% believe the aircraft is not worth it.

The result shows the majority of our readers think so, with 68% saying the F-35 is a worthwhile investment for defence departments. However, 32% believe the aircraft is not worth it.

This month on twitter

Defender Europe 20 begins

Night flights on Queen Elizabeth

RAF Submarine hunter lands in the UK

Israel shows off new APCs

British Army trains with new vehicles

GD showcases AJAX crew clearance