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Nato GBAD Project


Equipment type: Ground air defence system

Manufacturer: NSPA 

Location: Nato 

Operators: Nato 

Programme value: €20m concept stage

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato) Ground-Based Air Defence (GBAD) project is a multi-national initiative to develop very short to medium-range GBAD capabilities to counter a variety of air and missile threats. The project is classified as a Nato High Visibility Project, known as the Modular GBAD project. It is led by the Nato Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA).

Double Eagle SAROV


Equipment type: Underwater vehicle 

Manufacturer: Saab 

Location: Sweden 

Operators: Sweden, Poland, Kuwait, others 

Programme value: Unknown

The Double Eagle semiautonomous remotely operated vehicle (SAROV) is an advanced hybrid system designed for detection and disposal operations. The vehicle serves dual roles as an autonomous underwater vehicle for detection, classification, and identification, as well as a remotely operated vehicle for mine disposal. The Double Eagle family are utilised by navies worldwide.

B-52H Stratofortress


Equipment type: Multirole bomber 

Manufacturer: Boeing 

Location: US 

Operators: US 

Programme value: Over $3.4bn since 2009 

The B-52H is the US Air Force’s (USAF) long-range, large-payload multirole bomber, serving as the USAF’s principal strategic nuclear and conventional weapons platform. The B-52H entered service in 1961, with 104 units built, last delivered in October 1962. The USAF retired 18 B-52H aircraft in 2008, leaving 76 in service. The B-52’s service life is expected to continue beyond 2040.

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