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December 2023

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The utilisation of platform and battlefield simulators to develop training and concepts of operations has provided militaries adopting the technology with a range of real-world benefits, not least of which is a significant cost saving. In addition, digital developments are enabling wearable devices to provide an augmented reality for an operator, bringing vital tactical intelligence straight to the user. Global Defence Technology reports.

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Editor | Richard Thomas

Staff | John Hill, Harry McNeil, Andrew Salerno-Garthwaite

Contributors | Samuel Cranny-Evans, Neil Thompson, Gordon Arthur, Tim Fish, Joe Charlaff

Graphic Designers | Noemi Balint, Anett Arc, Will Ingham, Miriam Garofalo

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick
+44 207 8669440

Cover image credit: John D. London via Shutterstock

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