July 8 - 10, 2020| Washington, D.C.

Enhancing Rotary Capability Through Future Vertical Lift Acquisition & Asset Modernization 

IDGA's 5th Annual International Military Helicopter Conference will provide a means to discuss the ongoing efforts to meet the next generation of innovative rotary wing aviation assets to bolster air and battlefield overmatch. The US Future Vertical Lift (FVL) program will develop the next generation of military helicopters. Along with continued modernization and maintenance, FVL is driving helicopter capability development on a global scale, ushering in a new age of rotorcraft capability.

The conference will also provide an in-depth viewpoint into the rotary wing aviation capability development needs and efforts of our NATO and Allied Partners. Join us for a senior-level understanding of the modernization and new platform development challenges experienced by our International partners in order to drive future collaborative initiatives for helicopter operations, capabilities, and programs.

Anjanette Knappenberger (SES),

Deputy Director
US Navy Air Warfare Division

Brigadier General David Sanford,

Commander, DLA Aviation
Defense Logistics Agency

Colonel Gregory Fortier,

Project Manager, Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft
PEO for Aviation

Colonel Jack Perrin

Program Manager, H53 Heavy Lift Helicopters
US Naval Air Systems Command

Colonel Mark McPherson,

Incoming Commander
United States Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (USAARL)

Captain Scott Starkey,

Chief of Staff
Chief of Naval Air Training (CNATRA)

Brigadier General Amir Keren,

Air Force Attache to the United States
Israeli Air Force

Commodore Matthew Hudson,

Defense Attache to the United States
Royal Australian Navy

Air Commodore Robert Adang,

Commander Defence Helicopter Command
Royal Netherlands Air Force

Mike Hirschberg,

Executive Director
The Vertical Flight Society - (American Helicopter Society)

Randy Rotte,

Director of Business Development for Cargo Helicopters and Future Vertical Lift Programs

T.J. Pope,

Director, Marketing and Product Management

Benefits of Attending 

Get face to face with senior military officials and industry leaders to drive real-time feedback and actionable discussions

Build collaborative partnerships with military and industry representatives in our workshops and networking breaks

Examine new technologies being developed and explore the ramifications for the industry

Gain a broader perspective of the current challenges to rotary aviation, an understanding of the FVL Directive, and our international allies' challenges

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