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November 2024

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Hypersonic technologies could offer the potential to defeat current air defence capabilities just as a new era of MAD-lite geopolitics begins, as the US continues to cede cultural influence to China. Elsewhere, the UK’s military, despite the hyperbole and tough talk, is a shattered entity, rapidly losing ground to peer competitors. Global Defence Technology reports.

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Editor |Richard Thomas

Writers | Andrew Salerno-Garthwaite, Harry McNeil, John Hill, Alex Blair

Contributors | Samuel Cranny-Evans, Neil Thompson, Gordon Arthur, Tim Fish, Joe Charlaff

Graphic Designers | Noemi Balint, Anett Arc, Will Ingham, Miriam Garofalo

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick
+44 207 8669440

Cover image credit: John D. London via Shutterstock

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