company insight sponsored by OPtical scientific Incorporated
Optical Scientific Inc. (OSi) is a research and development firm that provides a full product line of advanced weather sensors to and Automated Weather Observation Systems (AWOS) for both fixed operational and tactical applications.
OSi sensor products are designed to be reliable, accurate, and hassle-free. Rugged and durable construction enables them to endure harsh weather conditions from searing heat to arctic ice and last for decades. Our products are easily installed and require virtually no maintenance by using built-in self-diagnostics and testing—typically able to operate remotely for months on end. To provide field-proven, highly accurate data, our sensors utilize advanced scintillation technology and intelligent algorithms based on over 200 million hours of OSi sensor field data.
OSi’s OWI-650 Low-Power Present Weather and Visibility Sensor.
The OWI-650 measures visibility and detects and quantifies rain, snow, drizzle, and freezing and mixed precipitation conditions. Thanks to its small and light-weight design, it can be quickly deployed anywhere it’s needed. The OWI-650 reports over 50 NWS / WMO Present Weather codes and is DSP-based–no field calibration required.
OWI-650 is able to operate off solar, battery or AC power. Per your needs, other sensors can easily be added, including: wind, temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. Other options include: solar power kits, portable tripods and data radios.
OSi’s HazMET100 is ideal for emergency applications that require sudden and rapid deployment.
The 30HazMET100 is a fully portable automated weather station with a lightweight design specifically suited to quick and easy deployment—in less than five minutes. It accurately measures wind, temperature, relative humidity, dew point, barometric pressure, and more.
Low power requirements make Hazmet100 well-suited for portable battery and solar-powered applications. A built-in electronic compass eliminates the need to align the wind sensor north.
The HazMET100 includes EPA Cameo/Aloha Data Format standard. A free band wireless data radio is also included. With the addition of optional sensor such as OSi's OWI-650, it can also measure present weather, visibility and precipitation.
OSi’s HazMET100 is ideal for emergency applications that require sudden and rapid deployment.
The LOA-005 simultaneously measures the average winds across the beam (crosswind) and the turbulence (CN2) over the measurement path. Path-averaged wind sensors offer vast improvement over a single point wind sensor for large area wind studies.
The LOA-005 can be operated from buildings or used as a single point installation using retro-reflectors on towers to measure vertical wind profiles. It has an ultra-low wind threshold of 0.001 m/s, provides long-range measurement (from 200 yards to 9 miles), and by using two or more path measurements, the LOA-005 can measure two dimensional wind profiles plus convergence and divergence within a large enclosed area.
This MAWOS system includes OWI-650 Low-Power Present Weather and Visibility Sensor and HIP-100 Hail and Ice Precipitation Sensor.
The MAWOS is based on OSi’s OWI-432 Present Weather Sensor and is designed for continuous weather reporting in aviation applications and meets NWS, FAA, and Canadian guidelines. AWOS IIIP reports altimeter setting, density altitude, wind speed, wind direction, gusts, variable wind, temperature, dew point, visibility, present weather, cloud height, and cloud coverage.
Its modular design allows the user to customize the components of their MAWOS according to their own needs, including options like: dual barometric pressure sensor, wind speed/direction, temperature/relative humidity, and ceilometer. Available with all MAWOS are multilingual voice, telephone interface, cell phone interface, VHF GTA radio and Ethernet interface.
This MAWOS system includes OWI-650 Low-Power Present Weather and Visibility Sensor and HIP-100 Hail and Ice Precipitation Sensor.
Optical Scientific, Inc.
2 Metropolitan Court
Suite 6
Gaithersburg, MD 20878 USA
Tel +01 963 3630