Company Insight
Sponsored by DA Group
DA-Group - Advanced Solutions from Seabed to Space
Bellridge Pty Limited is an Australian company that has been supporting organisations throughout the pacific with enterprise-wide security solutions for almost twenty years. Our experience with a range of consultants and cisos from government departments, publically traded giants and emerging enterprise; has allowed us to develop a suite of software and hardware applications to tackle the ever-changing, always sophisticated security technology landscape.
DA-Group has a long history in naval domain providing advanced technology both above and underwater, and is well-known supplier of the industry-leading target detection systems for existing and new naval mines. Now, DA-Group has taken a step further and offers complete naval minelaying package with an unforeseen combination of detection capabilities and unprecedented mine life in water of several years. DA-Group’s TURSO naval mine family offers the most modern, extremely safe naval mines and modular minelaying capabilities.
DA-Group provides world navies full naval minelaying capability including mines, minelaying equipment, programming devices, target detection algorithm development environment, operations planning tools with connection to C2, logistics and storage infrastructure, as well as maintenance and other lifecycle support including training. This can all be enhanced with support of DA-Group underwater surveillance systems and measurement ranges.

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Naval Mines – 19th century legacy or a key future capability?
Most countries rely heavily on uninterrupted and safe sea lines of communication. As the on-going race between stealth, CIWSs and the new generation of hypersonic missiles intensifies, these often expensive weapon systems require active monitoring and situational awareness on vast border areas. While this is feasible in more condensed key areas, it is not the only option to guard and protect large coastal areas.
Naval mines have since their humble beginnings offered a deterrence and force-multiplier – available for even smaller nations to deny entry to their waters from vastly more powerful adversaries. The naval mine sector has not been receiving the same amount of attention, appreciation and funding for R&D as its more dynamic flying counterpart. This has led to the current situation, where many nations have large amounts of decades old contact mines in their inventory, which lack the flexibility, the effectiveness and most importantly the operational safety of their modern counterparts. Modern naval influence mine is an ultimately safe, secure, efficient, trustworthy and cost-efficient anti-access and area denial weapon for protection of any coast or fairway.
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TURSO MM30 - Safety first, combined with unparallel performance
TURSO is a complete Naval Mine System, including the brand new MM30 version - the most modern moored influence sea mine.
TURSO MM30 features the newest generation of TURSO Target Detection System with multi-sensor technology, including acoustic, magnetic, pressure, inertial, UEP and photonic, all of which can be utilized in detection algorithms and to achieve high immunity against countermeasures. The target detection is based on the original DA-Group proprietary Target Detection System, which has been deployed successfully into operation. Most of the details of TURSO MM30 can be tailored to fit the customer’s requirements, whether it is to use locally sourced IM explosive material or to be compatible with the existing minelaying infrastructure.
This mine family offers the safest and most accurate naval minelaying capability available on market today.

SUMICO – Modular Minelaying
The trend towards multipurpose vessels achieved via easily configurable modular mission bay arrangement typically contradicts with minelaying, which traditionally requires a dedicated minelaying arrangement with specific minerails and dropping equipment. DA-Group also offers the patented modular mine-laying system SUMICO, which offers plug-in minelaying capability to any container handling capable ship. This modular system supports naval mines through their life, including storage, maintenance, training, logistics and minelaying operations.
The versatility and adjustability of the SUMICO system can be further exploited by using modules of different sizes and constructions and by additional functionality, like automated minelaying system. Automated minelaying with SUMICO, the actual mine laying can be conducted by the use of the organic mine laying machinery favored by the end user. However, the SUMICO modules can also be equipped with an automated mine laying system, which can be independent of other onboard systems, if required. It is easy to find a suitable version to support any fleet from several versions of SUMICO – starting with manual and stand-alone connection version to fully automatic and integrated version.
SUMICO module can be opened at both ends and contains two pairs of minerails arranged so that the rails can easily be connected with another similar module to yield a lane. The aftmost container connects to a mine dropping unit, enabling mine laying directly with the SUMICO system.
DA-Group has developed and pat-ented the modular minelaying system, SUMICO, which provides plugin minelaying capability to any ship capable of mission module handling. This modular system supports naval mines through their life, including storage, maintenance, training, logistics and minelaying operations.
The versatility and adjustability of the SUMICO system can be further exploited by using modules of different sizes and constructions and by additional functionality, like automated minelaying system.
SUMICO module can be opened at both ends and contains two pairs of mine rails arranged so that the rails can easily be connected with another similar module to yield a lane. The aftmost container connects to a mine dropping unit, enabling minelaying directly with the SUMICO system.
A standard SUMICO mission module has ISO TEU footprint with the capacity for 12 TURSO MM30, Blocker or other similarly sized naval mines.
Automated Minelaying
With SUMICO, the actual minelaying can be conducted by the use of the organic minelaying machinery favored by the end user. However, the SUMICO modules can also be equipped with an automated minelaying system, which can be totally independent of other onboard systems.
It is easy to find a suitable version to support any fleet from several versions of SUMICO – starting with manual and stand-alone connection version to fully automatic and integrated version.

DA-Group is a Finnish technology company providing advanced electronic solutions and products for technology industry, defence and aerospace applications. The parent company, DA-Design Oy, was founded in 1995 specializing in electronics and software engineering. Today the corporation employs over 130 professionals. We are experts in embedded systems, electro-mechanics as well as RF and microwave engineering.
DA Defence & Aerospace is DA-Group’s business unit serving security, defence and space organizations internationally. We design and manufacture advanced spaceflight, RF, microwave and digital systems, subsystems and units, having a strong history of technology development for defence and space applications. We have strong focus on underwater and electronic warfare systems, combat resilience and signature management, naval applications, space sensors and space situational awareness.