News in Numbers


Israel has announced that it will acquire a further 25 F-35A stealth fighters from Lockheed Martin, with the $3bn cost entirely funded by the United States.


The US Navy has exercised a $1bn option in funding for two more Constellation-class frigates, despite the US GAO saying the build of the first vessel was “at a standstill”.


Baltics states have called for Nato’s defence spending benchmark to increase from 2% of GDP up to 2.5% as the Alliance positions itself against a resurgent Russian threat.


Canada signs off on an $11.2bn recapitalisation across it air training capability, acquiring a range of new platforms to prepare pilots for service.


Ukraine acquires a further 4,200 DJI Mavic drones from the international market as the country looks to utilise small UAS capabilities as a force multiplier against Russia.