Solving your 
Messaging and

Isode is the market leader in software for Military Messaging and XMPP/Chat.

Whether it’s a gateway between XMPP and legacy IRC chat systems or converting between different national military messaging standards or enabling efficient and resilient operation over low-bandwidth/high-latency networks, Isode’s COTS software is solving the interoperability challenges thrown up by coalition operations.

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Military Messaging

Military XMPP

Go to article: Home | Meet France's new networked ground fleetGo to article: In this issueGo to article: VPT | Company InsightGo to article: VPTGo to article: ContentsGo to article: Evans CapacitorGo to article: The defence industry briefingGo to article: Industry newsGo to article: ZENATEK | Company InsightGo to article: International arms transfers on the riseGo to article: Game on: Inside Dstl’s Defence Wargaming CentreGo to article: Pico ElectronicsGo to article: Scorpion: France’s collaborative combat platform in actionGo to article: Scorpion: new vehicles for a new eraGo to article: IsodeGo to article: Tomorrow’s tankers: the future of aerial refuellingGo to article: Qinetiq demonstrates its counter drone systemGo to article: Will the UK get a space command?Go to article: Revisiting the Intelligent ShipGo to article: Accurate Biometrics | Company Insight Go to article: Accurate BiometricsGo to article: Event: IT2ECGo to article: Industry eventsGo to article: Event: UDT 2020Go to article: Contracts in briefGo to article: Global markets and indices powered by GlobalDataGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (1 of 2) powered by GlobalDataGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (2 of 2) powered by GlobalData (copy)Go to article: The key list powered by GlobalDataGo to article: Next issue previewGo to article: The GDT team - contact us