October 2021

In our DSEI 2021 special, we take a look back at this year’s overarching theme of multidomain integration and how the armed forces can deliver an integrated response to future threats.

That response will be supported and enabled by a digital backbone, the theme at the heart of DSEI’s Future Tech Hub, where Global Defence Technology is the media partner. We look at the digital future of defence and how to keep operations that are increasingly reliant on data secure.

Sustainability and defence haven’t always gone hand-in-hand, but with the climate crisis an immediate threat, we look at how defence aims to deliver an effective operational capability that is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

The UK will be launching satellites from its own spaceports next year. With the commute into space now becoming affordable and many satellites having joint military and civilian capabilities, we look at what that means for the future of space-based defence communications.

And we look at how quantum encryption specialist Arqit is collaborating with Babcock International to demonstrate its QuantumCloud product capabilities in live operational scenarios.


Editor|Berenice Healey

Feature Writer | Norbert Tarnoczi

Magazine Designer |Noemi Balint
Designers |Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Maria Gimenez, Filipe Costa, Dimeji Akinkuolie, Will Ingham
Lead Designer |John Hammond 

Publisher | Susanne Hauner

Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Shelton Besa +44 (0) 207 936 6981


For media partnership enquiries please contact: Susanne Hauner

Global Defence Technology is powered by H5mag

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