Next issue: January 2018
This year’s Women in Defence UK Awards was the biggest yet, with more than 300 nominations received from across the defence community including the Armed Forces, government departments and defence industry. We speak to some of the winners to find out about their work in the defence sector.
The UK Ministry of Defence’s Challenger 2 life extension project aims to remove obsolescence from the main battle tank, extend its out-of-service date by ten years to 2035 and upgrade its capabilities. We take a look at the tech that’s going into it.
We also catch up with the Royal Navy and MDBA’s programme to build the next-generation common anti-air modular missile and check in with the US Marine Corps’ Sea Dragon equipment experiment. Plus, we find out how South Korea is working to develop its blue-water capabilities and hear from BAE Systems about its £20m investment in future naval combat systems.
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