January 2021

From artificial intelligence and virtual reality to C4ISR and cyber warfare, information exploitation is at the heart of modern defence.

The UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory is establishing a defence AI centre merging robotics, autonomy, intelligent digital systems and data science, all powered by AI. Drawing on fundamentals laid down in Government defence review papers, Dstl’s vision recognises that multi-domain integration will be enabled by AI.

A recent poll of military forces, in-service support providers and defence manufacturers found over two-thirds agreed that the ability to operate in a disconnected, intermittent, and limited bandwidth (DIL) operational environment is essential to military operations. We talk to IFS about the poll’s findings and how militaries can best operate in a disconnected environment.

Security forces are experimenting with arming quadruped robots and Sword International recently armed a Ghost Robotics’ Vision 60 robot dog. We explore whether military dog robots carrying lethal weapons is on the cards.

Current research projects are investigating ways of using disruptive technology, including quantum computing, to deliver GPS navigation alternatives that can’t be jammed or spoofed. We look at what this technology promises for future military operations.


Editor|Berenice Healey

Feature Writer | Norbert Neumann

Contributor | Samuel Cranny-Evans

Magazine Designer |Noemi Balint
Designers |Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Maria Gimenez, Filipe Costa, Dimeji Akinkuolie, Will Ingham
Lead Designer |John Hammond 

Publisher | Susanne Hauner

Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Shelton Besa +44 (0) 207 936 6981


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