EDGE: a new defence giant in the making?How the UAE's new domestic defence conglomerate could shift the balance on the global equipment marketChina aims for the lead in the AI arms raceBeijing's control of research facilities is giving China an edge in military AI tech, and the US is getting worriedApplying old tricks to new problemsWe find out how traditional military deception techniques are being applied to catch cyberattackersDumb vs smart robotsFollow simple orders or make autonomous decisions: where do we go from here with military robots?The latest in soldier techWe take a look at new developments in soldier clothing, armour and equipment from head to toeThe long reign of the B-52In service since the 1950s, the Stratofortress has outlived generations of other jets - and it's still going strongcontents | issue 107 | January 2020IN ASSOCIATION WITH01/25/2024 23:42:22