The defence industry briefing

The news, views and numbers you need to know about this month

News in numbers


Increase in the forecast cost overruns of the UK MOD's critical infrastructure projects on nuclear-registered sites


Increase in Northrop Grumman stock price after the US drone strike that killed Iranian General Soleimani


Number of missiles fired by Iran at airbases housing US troops in Asad and Erbil last week


The amount of additional funding Trump wants to divert from military projects to the Mexican border wall


Number of US troops that will deploy to Europe as part of Defender Europe 20 for NATO readiness testing


Forecast revenues of the gobal military airborne electronic warfare market from 2018 to 2028


Percentage of the US military's wartime sealift fleet that is fully ready for tasking, as revealed by recent tests

This month on twitter

Practice makes perfect

A look into Iran’s arsenal

British Army's latest recruitment effort

Celebrating 20 years

Australian Army assists with bush fires

Satellite image of missile damage