Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions Video Management and Display Systems
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions, a division of Curtiss-Wright, is an industry-leading designer, manufacturer, and supplier of rugged, highly engineered components and systems that ensure ground vehicles have the technical edge in the harshest environments.
Our rugged and reliable video management and display systems are engineered to improve situational awareness for every mission by ensuring operators get the most out of the multiple cameras and sensors on a vehicle.
Designed for modern, multi-sensor systems, our video management offerings include video recorders and format converters that reduce cabling, redundant equipment, and operator overhead. They are optimized to simplify integration between legacy and new video equipment and allow one or more video streams to be captured for debrief, training, or evidential purposes.
Our mission displays are engineered to provide operators with full control of on-board video sources, as well as the video recorder, in an easy-to-use package. Leveraging industry leading projective capacitive (PCAP) smartphone touchscreen technology, they are the only rugged displays on the market that maintain reliability in both wet and gloved operation.
Designed to minimize reflection by almost 85 percent in even the brightest conditions they also ensure anytime readability. Fully aligned with the Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) standard, our mission displays include programmable bezel button configurations, and support video over Ethernet capability, if required.
Both systems are based on open standards and specifically designed to alleviate the size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) challenges on ground vehicles. They are built on more than 80 years of industry innovation and backed by extended support programs that ensure reliability for decades.

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