In this issue

The arms race has moved into the information environment as countries around the world compete for dominance of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this special issue we take a look at the trends, tactics and technologies that are emerging in electronic warfare. We chart the evolution of EW technologies so far and take a look into the future of electronic warfare in Europe.

One issue that has emerged in recent years is that an increasing reliance on devices to intercept and manipulate the electronic spectrum can result in information overload. We find out how visualisation software can help militaries to manage the often-overwhelming deluge of complex data they gather.

Zooming in on equipment, we investigate the vulnerabilities of GPS and emerging alternatives, speak to SAAB about the capabilities of the GlobalEye airborne early warning and control aircraft, and take a look at the US Navy’s next-generation jammer.

Susanne Hauner, editor

Go to article: Home | Electronic warfare special issueGo to article: Accurate BiometricsGo to article: In This IssueGo to article: DAT-CON d.o.o.Go to article: ContentsGo to article: General DynamicsGo to article: The evolution of electronic warfareGo to article: Isode LimitedGo to article: Barrett CommunicationsGo to article: The new battlefield: the race to integrate cyber and electronic warfare Go to article: Integrated Communications Systems GroupGo to article: ROHDE & SCHWARZ | Company InsightGo to article: A single point of failure: the problem with GPSGo to article: HescoGo to article: Radio Reconnaissance TechnologiesGo to article: Information overload: Visualising electronic warfare to manage data proliferationGo to article: Agog Vivid LimitedGo to article: ArpaGo to article: The future of electronic warfare in EuropeGo to article: Euroquartz Ltd | Company InsightGo to article: B GSE GroupGo to article: GlobalEye: airborne surveillance takes new heights Go to article: Tecknowledgey DefenceGo to article: A look at the US Navy’s Next Generation JammerGo to article: Tyron RunflatGo to article: ZENATEK | Company InsightGo to article: Event: Electronic Warfare EuropeGo to article: Optical Scientific Incorporated | Company InsightGo to article: Industry EventsGo to article: International Armored GroupGo to article: Red RapidsGo to article: Next IssueGo to article: DanthermGo to article: The GDT TeamGo to article: Nixus 2 protect