Next issue: June 2018

Sweden is creating a digital defence system to protect against cyberattacks –and working on plans to mobilise troops more quickly. At the same time Norway has unveiled its defence procurement plans to 2025, which will focus on building a highly skilled defence industry. We map defence spending and priorities in the two countries against a backdrop of geopolitical developments.

France’s forces minister has announced a plan to increase spending on artificial intelligence as part of an innovation drive to develop future weapon systems. Around €100m will be spent to fund studies, and €10m a year go towards testing and integrating existing AI technology. We take a closer look at France’s defence-related AI plans and ask what other countries are doing.

Also in the next issue, we map out SIPRI's latest research on global arms spending to analyse the major trends, review recent developments in light attack aircraft, and find out why Dstl is going back to basics in its approach to computer hardware for harsh operational environments.

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Go to article: Home | Electronic warfare special issueGo to article: Accurate BiometricsGo to article: In This IssueGo to article: DAT-CON d.o.o.Go to article: ContentsGo to article: General DynamicsGo to article: The evolution of electronic warfareGo to article: Isode LimitedGo to article: Barrett CommunicationsGo to article: The new battlefield: the race to integrate cyber and electronic warfare Go to article: Integrated Communications Systems GroupGo to article: ROHDE & SCHWARZ | Company InsightGo to article: A single point of failure: the problem with GPSGo to article: HescoGo to article: Radio Reconnaissance TechnologiesGo to article: Information overload: Visualising electronic warfare to manage data proliferationGo to article: Agog Vivid LimitedGo to article: ArpaGo to article: The future of electronic warfare in EuropeGo to article: Euroquartz Ltd | Company InsightGo to article: B GSE GroupGo to article: GlobalEye: airborne surveillance takes new heights Go to article: Tecknowledgey DefenceGo to article: A look at the US Navy’s Next Generation JammerGo to article: Tyron RunflatGo to article: ZENATEK | Company InsightGo to article: Event: Electronic Warfare EuropeGo to article: Optical Scientific Incorporated | Company InsightGo to article: Industry EventsGo to article: International Armored GroupGo to article: Red RapidsGo to article: Next IssueGo to article: DanthermGo to article: The GDT TeamGo to article: Nixus 2 protect