When it comes to innovation in airborne technology, you could say it’s in our roots. From the Wright brothers’ first flight to today’s highly regulated military and commercial aircraft, Curtiss-Wright has decades of experience providing trusted, field-proven technology solutions.
Our broad selection of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) modules are designed to accelerate the development of your safety-certifiable systems while reducing your overall risk and project expenses. Available with DO-254 artifacts and supported by today’s leading DO-178 operating systems, Curtiss-Wright’s safety-certifiable COTS modules are ready to take flight.

pre-qualified chassis
graphics and video MODULES
I/O Module
single board computers
full system solution
Integrate your choice of Curtiss-Wright’s DO-254 certifiable SBC, graphics, video, and I/O modules in a pre-qualified chassis for a perfectly tailored solution.
Select from best-of-breed AMD-based GPUs for graphics processing and video capture.
Support a variety of I/O interfaces, including MIL-STD-1553B and ARINC 429.
Choose from boards powered by Arm®, Intel®, and Power Architecture® processors to meet your performance and SWaP requirements.
The SPIRIT Hawk is a certifiable avionics processing system that can be delivered with DO-254 artifacts up to DAL A. Featuring the V3-152 SBC, V3-719 graphics and video capture module and V3-611 flexible I/O module, the SPIRIT Hawk system is ideal for a variety of applications, such as mission computers, Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) systems, display systems, and flight control computers.

single board computers
Choose from boards powered by Arm, Intel, and Power Architecture processors to meet your performance and SWaP requirements.
graphics and videocards
Select from best-of-breed AMD-based GPUs for graphics processing and video capture.
I/O modules
Support a variety of I/O interfaces, including MIL-STD-1553B and ARINC 429.
pre-qualified chassis
Integrate your choice of Curtiss-Wright’s DO-254 certifiable SBC, graphics, video, and I/O modules in a pre-qualified chassis for a perfectly tailored solution.
full system solution
The SPIRIT Hawk is a certifiable avionics processing system that can be delivered with DO-254 artifacts up to DAL A. Featuring the V3-152 SBC, V3-719 graphics and video capture module and V3-611 flexible I/O module, the SPIRIT Hawk system is ideal for a variety of applications, such as mission computers, Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) systems, display systems, and flight control computers.

White Paper:
Accelerate Time-To-Market with Safety-Certifiable Airborne Electronics Hardware
Read about:
- DO-254, DO-160, and VITA 47 standards
- The V Life Cycle for requirements, verification, and validation
- What to expect from DO-254 COTS hardware vendors
White Paper:
Understanding Your Safety-Certifiable COTS Options: A Closer Look at the Subsystem Level
Read about:
- Component selection for DO- 254 certifiable hardware
- What to look for at the module level
- Applications of COTS-based safety-certifiable systems

White Paper: Why Dissimilar Redundant Architectures Are a Necessity for DAL A
Read about:
- Design Assurance Levels and Probability of Failure
- Strengthening redundancy with dissimilarity and complex voting
- Examples of highly redundant systems
White Paper: Is Arm® the Future for Airborne Platforms in Military and Aerospace?
Read about:
- Arm processors and DO-254 safety certification
- NXP Arm® cores
- Arm technology in automotive and aerospace applications

White Paper:
Accelerate Time-To-Market with Safety-Certifiable Airborne Electronics Hardware
Read about:
- DO-254, DO-160, and VITA 47 standards
- The V Life Cycle for requirements, verification, and validation
- What to expect from DO-254 COTS hardware vendors

White Paper:
Understanding Your Safety-Certifiable COTS Options: A Closer Look at the Subsystem Level
Read about:
- Component selection for DO- 254 certifiable hardware
- What to look for at the module level
- Applications of COTS-based safety-certifiable systems

White Paper:
Why Dissimilar Redundant Architectures Are a Necessity for DAL A
Read about:
- Design Assurance Levels and Probability of Failure
- Strengthening redundancy with dissimilarity and complex voting
- Examples of highly redundant systems

White Paper:
Is Arm® the Future for Airborne Platforms in Military and Aerospace?
Read about:
- Arm processors and DO-254 safety certification
- NXP Arm® cores
- Arm technology in automotive and aerospace applications