The defence industry briefing

The news, views and numbers you need to know about this month

News in numbers

$2 trillion

The total projected costs to field major US military weapons systems in 2018, according to the DoD’s latest annual assessment


Estimated date for the start of deliveries of the long-range strategic bomber PAK DA to Russia’s Aerospace Force


The number of advanced fighter jets the Canadian Armed Forces are planning to acquire under their future fighter competition


Budget agreed by the Australian Government over the next 20 years for  new Special Forces equipment, of which an initial A$500m has been cleared


The UK’s position in global defence expenditure rankings in 2018, according to the IISS


Total military expenditure of NATO members in 2018, according to figures released by the UK MoD


Number of NATO countries meeting the guideline to spend 2% of GDP on defence in 2018

This month on twitter

HMS Talent arrives home in Clyde

A stunning A400M take-off

F-35 pilot helmet fitting

First flight of the Dragon Lady

Oh dear, Rusty McRustface

A look at life in the Brazilian Navy