Innovation is your leadership advantage

Lead the digital defense era with smarter networks

With net-centric warfare, collaboration, information quality, situational-awareness, and operational synchronization are dramatically improved. Modernization of your communications networks is critical to meeting your digital-age defense goals.

Partner with Nokia and Nokia Bell Labs, a worldwide leader in 5G and mission-critical network solutions and innovation, to build secure, high-capacity, cloud-ready networks that take your network-centric operations and C4ISR systems to the next level of performance and mission effectiveness.

Automated, smarter, defense networks built for the cloud and 5G era

To maximize the benefits of 5G, cloud, AI, IoT and big data for your defense operation, your wide area transport infrastructure will need a transformation of its own. Advanced defense applications demand the improved automation and agility made possible by a modernized, digital-age transport network. Are your defense communication networks ready to make the move?

Secure cloud infrastructure for defense

Understanding the path to digitalization and where your government data center network fits is essential to designing a cloud network that delivers on your long-term mission objectives. Nokia, a proven leader in cloud network innovation can help.

Go to article: Home | Carrier Strike heads eastGo to article: In this issueGo to article: ContentsGo to article: Nokia Company InsightGo to article: NokiaGo to article: BriefingGo to article: The defence industry briefingGo to article: Industry newsGo to article: Covid-19 executive briefing by GlobalDataGo to article: CobhamGo to article: CommentGo to article: Innovation will be a cultural and ethical challenge for UK's Armed ForcesGo to article: Dynamic strategy or fog of war?Go to article: Russia’s military icebreakers and the race for the Polar ‘silk road’Go to article: How military training needs to adapt to the grey zone challengeGo to article: The benefits of outcome-based training for armed forces Go to article: Pico ElectronicsGo to article: In DepthGo to article: Q&A: DSEI’s new space director Dr Michael Holden Go to article: DSEI Future Tech Hub interview: UKCloudX Go to article: Top Trumps: Future Vertical LiftGo to article: Babcock on Type 31, digital twins and future plansGo to article: UK Carrier Strike Group heads eastGo to article: What's in a Carrier Strike Group?Go to article: Disconnected operations: monitoring military assetsGo to article: VPT Company Insight Go to article: VPTGo to article: Sundog Software Company InsightGo to article: Sundog SoftwareGo to article: In DataGo to article: Deals analysisGo to article: Global markets and indicesGo to article:  Macro-economic indicatorsGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (page 2)Go to article: Bellridge Company InsightGo to article: BellridgeGo to article: Omnetics Connector Corporation Company InsightGo to article: J. Blaschke WehrtechnikGo to article: EventsGo to article: Next issue