contents | issue 95 | january 2019women in defence awards 2018We speak to the awards’ founder, category winners and nominees about their experiences in the defence sector Where physical meets digitalIFS Aerospace & Defence tells us how military organisations and defence contractors can make the most of the digital transformationThe battle for tank supremacyWe find out how the UK Ministry of Defence’s Challenger 2 Life Extension Project aims to remove obsolescence from the main battle tankthe UK’s surface-to-air missile successMBDA's Common Anti-Air Modular Missile is on track to enter service with the British Army and Royal Navy, and export customers are already lining upInside Sea Dragon 2025The US Marine Corps is experimenting with new technologies in a bid to go back to its expeditionary roots and meet future mission requirementsSouth Korea’s blue-water naval strategy We explore the geopolitical drivers behind South Korea's plan to create a naval task fleet capable of broader-range operations beyond its shoresThe naval ops room of the futureBAE Systems has a vision for future Royal Navy ship systems powered by AI, augmented reality and a better integration of ops rooms and combat systems01/25/2024 23:38:32