company insight
PTX: power from any source, for any device – any place…
The PTX range of rugged, portable, intelligent power and data management solutions from Protonex Technology Corporation enhance operational capabilities – while also reducing the “battery burden” – of today’s dismounted forces operating in austere environments
PTX power management systems enable units to maintain constant operability of their mission-essential electronic equipment by drawing and converting power from solar panels and blankets, vehicle power outlets and batteries, aircraft power outlets, military and commercial batteries, wind turbines, field generators, fuel cells, UAV / UGV batteries – as well as 110 and 220 volt A/C outlets.
The core PTX product series includes:
ABC-812 Adaptive Battery Charger – which allows end-users to charge all their batteries faster and more efficiently than other alternatives
SPM-622 Squad Power Manager – which dramatically reduces the number and variety of batteries small units need to carry on operations
VPM-402 Vest Power Manager – which manages both data and power for “man-worn” communications and situational awareness systems

Food supplies shipment
At the heart of every power manager is a sophisticated set of software algorithms. Our approach is to implement as much function in software as possible. This software-centric approach allows for smaller and lighter products as well as the ability to upgrade and add features in the future.
Our smart cable technology also makes connecting a power source, an electronic device, or a battery, truly as easy as plug-and-play. We take care of the power so troops can stay focused on the mission.

Working with end-users, we have also developed a range of dedicated, application-specific solutions that deliver specific operationally enhancing capabilities; for example:
Explosive Ordnance Disposal - EOD teams need a wide range of power tools and electronic equipment to perform their job. Our solution dramatically reduces the weight and clutter of batteries, chargers, and power adapters needed by EOD teams.
Prolonged Field Care – Advances in medical technology enables the delivery of hospital-level care to the most remote parts of the globe. Our Prolonged Field Care MED Kit reduces the battery burden and enhances the operational capability of field medical teams by enabling them to run their communications, computing, and medical equipment from any power source in the ruck, truck or plane.
Extended Fire Support – Indirect fires, CAS, and aerial ISR platforms mitigate risk for ground forces. Fire supporters and JTACs require multiple electronic devices to perform their mission, and our solutions enables them to centralize power and data through a single smart hub.
Special Operations Forces – SOF units conducting missions in austere or far-flung environments must have the ability to maintain constant communications links between elements, HQ, and host or partner forces by using multiple types of radios, tablets, and other voice, video, and data-enabled devices. Our solutions enable them to keep critical devices and batteries powered up for continuous operational capability.
Nett Warrior – The Nett Warrior system is an integrated dismounted leader situational awareness system for use during combat operations. The system uses a single lightweight battery for power, and includes the capability to charge that battery on the go. Our solution includes a power manager, solar blanket, accessory cables, and adapters for standard-issue batteries and equipment.
Unmanned Systems – Austere locations present significant challenges for unmanned system operators to keep their platform and control unit batteries charged. Our in-field charging solutions draw power from any available source to keep platforms, control units, and support equipment charged up and fully operational—enhancing the mission capability of unmanned assets in critical situations.
Our systems currently support more than 200 different types of electronic equipment; including all type of military batteries; commercial batteries; UAV systems; UGV systems; high-performance military radio and SATCOM systems; laptop and tablet computers; EOD equipment; medical equipment, GPS and laser designator systems, etc. And as power continues to be at the forefront of operational needs, we continue to develop new cables, accessories and solutions.

Comprehensive Radiation Lab and Test Services Division
Contact details:
Protonex Technology Corporation
153 Northboro Road
Southborough, Massachusetts
U.S.A. 01772-1034
t. +1.508.490.9960
f. +1.508.490.8575
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