company insight sponsored by patria
When if is not an option.
Patria is an international provider of defence, security and aviation life cycle support services and technology solutions. Patria provides its aerospace and military customers with equipment availability, continuous performance development as well as selected intelligence, surveillance and management system products and services. Patria’s mission is to give its customers confidence in all conditions, and the vision is to be the #1 partner for critical operations. Ownership:
State of Finland 50,1% and
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS 49,9%
Land Business Unit
Patria AMVXP vehicle offers Extra Payload, Extra Performance and Extra Protection
Nearly 1,600 Patria AMV vehicles have already been ordered. They are used in challenging conditions by customers in seven countries. AMV products are under continuous development and are fitted with the latest technology. Patria AMV’s structural solutions enable a high payload capacity, a high level of protection and the integration of heavy weapons systems. The vehicle has received excellent feedback from customers for its performance in combat and crisis management operations in Afghanistan and Chad. Patria AMVXP provides further strength to the company’s product range. The name Patria AMVXP links the product strongly to Patria AMV product family and the abbreviation XP stands for Extra Payload, Extra Performance and Extra Protection.
At IDEX 2019 Patria will showcase two vehicles: Patria AMV 8x8 equipped with Patria Nemo 120 mm smooth-bore mortar system controlled by Patria Fire Management System and Patria AMVXP armoured wheeled vehicle integrated with Leonardo HITFACT I turret including as a main armament 120 mm L 45 smooth-bore low-recoil high pressure cannon, Leonardo Fire Control System, as secondary armament 7,62 mm MAG coaxial machine-gun, 12,7 mm and 7,62 mm pintle mounted machine guns.

Systems Business Unit
CANDL – Compact Airborne Networking Data Link
CANDL is a data link system for networking applications such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUMT), Intra-Flight Data Link (IFDL) and Live Virtual Constructive training (LVC). It provides reliable long-range communication between up to 24 members in the same network. Network configuration is automatic allowing dynamic joining/leaving of new members in the network as well as extending range to beyond line of sight by relaying data. Data communication is encrypted, and it is possible to use an optional internal COMSEC module as well. CANDL has full Internet Protocol compatibility, therefore integration with any modern platforms is easy and there are no limitations for transmitted date types (e.g.; C2, voice, HD video and DIS/HLA are supported).
ARIS - Advanced Real-time Intelligence System
ARIS is an Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) system used to intercept, record and analyze radar signals. ARIS operator analyses signal parameters and based on that determines characteristics of unknown radars. ARIS is remote operable, which means that operators can use several deployed ARIS systems from a centralized operator center through network connection. ARIS has superb measurement accuracy and its user interface and tools are very intuitive and easy to use which makes operators very productive. Results of the analysis are exported to emitter database for later identification. ARIS can be delivered in four different levels of system integration ranging from ELINT analysis application for analysing recorded signals to fully integrated self-contained ELINT capability.
ARIS-E is a new Electronic Support Measures (ESM) product building on ARIS. ARIS-E system provides automatic identification, real-time geolocation and tracking of radars on the battlefield (i.e. forms tactical electronic situational awareness). ARIS-E is based on a modular architecture and compact size enabling configurations for naval and land based operations. ARIS and ARIS-E together deliver comprehensive tools for strategic and tactical radar ELINT/ESM for various needs.
MUSCL - Multistatic Coherent Location (passive radar)
MUSCL is a passive radar system. The system uses signals from existing radio and TV broadcast networks for target detection and tracking. Therefore, MUSCL does not need to produce own radar signals, which makes it practically invisible for adversaries as well as enabling safe deployments and use in urban areas. Due to physical characteristics of radio/TV signals and multistatic operation (i.e. transmitter and receiver at different locations), the system has capabilities to detect stealth and low flying targets. MUSCL has various applications such as military air surveillance, border control, critical infrastructure protection and drone detection.

Aviation Business Unit
Patria’s aviation competence comprises assembly, parts manufacture, maintenance, and modifications of aircraft and helicopters, as well as flight training. The company’s experience of over 90 years in the sector guarantees solid know-how and commitment to developing the aviation industry.
Patria offers life-cycle support services for aircraft and helicopters, primarily to the authorities and military clients in Northern Europe.
Life-cycle support services cover fuselage, engine, and equipment repair; maintenance and modification; and pilot training. Additionally, Patria offers design and manufacture of composite structures.