Tactical Grade IMUs and Gyro Modules

Battlefield proven since 2010
The STIM300 IMU and the STIM210 3-axis gyro module are today utilized in a range of military guidance, navigation and stabilization applications
- Small size, low weight 55grams
- Excellent performance under vibration and shock
- Low gyro bias instability (0.3°/h)
- Low gyro noise (0.15°/√h)
- Low accelerometer bias instability (0.05mg)
- Low startup time (0.7 s)
- ITAR free
- Insensitive to magnetic fields
- Compensated digital output, RS422
- Calibrated for axis misalignment
- 3 inclinometers for accurate leveling

Sounding rockets
Launch vehicles
LEO satellites
LEO constellations
Cubesat launchers
Reaction wheel based control systems
Optical satellite downlinks
Environmental monitoring systems
Autonomous servicing satellites
International Space Station
Planetary mining equipment
Rovers (including the Mars rover Curiosity)

Multibeam sonar systems
Subsea surveying systems
DVL systems
Missile launchers
Gimbal and turret control
Stabilized searchlight systems
Close defense weapon pointing systems
Helideck monitoring
Heave compensation
Underwater navigation for scuba divers
Drilling systems

Man portable LIDAR systems
Camera and mapping systems
Road surface monitoring systems
Industrial robotics precision control
Cavity monitoring tools
Medical surgery equipment
Tunnel drilling systems
Borehole surveying
Railway inspection systems Autonomous delivery vehicles
Semiconductor test equipment
Automotive test systems
Stabilized camera turrets for security surveillance
ROV guidance
UUV/UAV guidance and control

Gun turret stabilization and RWS
North keeping systems
Pointing and target acquisition systems
Land navigator solutions
Autonomous vehicles
Mobile mapping systems
Man and vehicle portable LIDAR systems
GNSS supported navigation systems
Gimbal stabilized camera systems
Long range pointing and observation systems
General platform stabilizations
Motion picture industry high-end systems
Weapon launchers
Mortar control and pointing systems

Gimbal Control
DIRCM systems
Radar/LIDAR Stabilization
Stand-by instruments
Flight path tracking
Electronic warfare systems
Line-of-sight tracking / Precision pointing
Smart Munitions
Seeker stabilization
UAV/Target Drones