The defence industry briefing

The news, views and numbers you need to know about this month

News in numbers


Current revenue of EDGE, the newly launched UAE defence conglomerate bringing together 25 companies


Value of the contract for more than 500 Boxer mechanised infantry vehicles for the British Army


Total value of the ten foreign military sales the US made to the UAE since the start of fiscial 2017


Additional funds approved by the Italian Government for defence procurement up to 2023


The amount the US expects Seoul to contribute to the upkeep of US military forces in Korea and the surrounding region


Reported discrepancy between the F-35 cost announced by the US Pentagon and the all-inclusive cost based on manufacturer data


Amount owed to General Dynamics for a vehicle contract with Saudi Arabia due to diplomatic problems between Canada and the kindgom

Further reading

The North American Arctic: Themes in Regional Security

This new policy publication looks into emerging new security relationship within the North American Arctic. It focuses on current and emerging security issues that confront the North American Arctic and that shape relationships between and with neighbouring states, including Canada, Greenland and Russia.

It explores the degree to which ‘domain awareness’ has redefined the traditional military focus, and how new regionally specific threats are shaping relationships and security policies in the North American Arctic region.

Available in print or as an open access digital publication from UCL Press.

This month on twitter

Tanks a lot, Germany...

Now that's what we call multitasking

The view from a Eurofighter test pilot

...and some cool footage of a take-off

Happy 244th birthday to the US Marines

Getting ready for DSEI Japan
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